Thursday, April 23, 2015

THE CURSE meaning of hope to the character

Based on the novel that you have read, give examples of what hope means to the characters that you have chosen.

    The novel I have read is The curse by Lee Su Ann. Hope is the feeling of wanting something you desire to come true. In the novel, Mohd Asraf and Madhuri are in love and they hope to be together when Mohd Asraf leaves for Kuala Lumpur for a teaching course. 
    However, Madhuri is married to Haji Ghani. She plans to confess everything to her husband and get his permission to release her. Asraf hopes that Madhuri is right that her husband is a reasonable person who wants the best for her and she will ultimately be released from her marriage. Madhuri also plans to reveal everything to her parents about their relationship. Unfortunately, their hope of being together is dashed when Madhuri’s father discovers the truth before she could explain everything tohhim. Saleh Abdullah, catches Madhuri and Mohd Asraf together in the rubber estate and he wanted to go after       
    Mohd Asraf. Sadly, as he wields his parang, it strikes Madhuri and kills her.
Due to Mohd Asraf’s ailing grandmother, he forced himself to visit the Old Lady and ask her to cure his grandmother. When she did come to his house, some of the villagers found out about it and they think that all the bad incidents happening around the village is due to her presence.
    In addition, another character, Puan Fatihah feels like she is slowly losing her husband after Madhuri’s death. She hopes to win his affections again by cooking a breakfast feast for him. But he did not appreciate her deed due to the many happenings in the village; instead, he left without eating what she had cooked for him.
    In conclusion, the novel helps us to see how hope drives different characters to do different things and there are positive and negative consequences of their actions.

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